Here’s another in our “tiny details of Disneyland” series. I love this kind of stuff at the parks. The tiny details that start as a rumor and are confirmed by a cast member or website are what make repeat visits to the park a joy for APs and families alike.
Today’s easter-egg is at DCA inside the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. Upstairs in the boiler room part of the queue, this “Lil’ Homies” action figure (available at your local grocery store or penny (.50¢) machine at the mall) stands guard at the far right elevator.
He's Watching Over You
He’s difficult to see in the dark queue but he’s there! He welcomes everyone to the upper right-side freight elevator. Keep an eye out for him next time you take a trip into the 5th dimension at the Disney California Adventure park!
You have until midnight next Friday morning (August 19, 2011) to submit your answers in the comments below. We will tally all of the correct answers and you will be entered into a drawing and the winner will be announce the following week.
Well this was a rare but well-deserved double-trip this weekend. Day 1 was an after-work-on-a-Friday trip. We started heading to the parks around 7:45 and arrived close to 9pm by the time we walked through the gates of the Magic Kingdom known as Disneyland.
It was an amazingly cool summer night and the entrance to DCA looked stellar. As we entered Disneyland through a not-so-crowded turnstile, we passed under the train into a sea of summer guests reaching the end of their day at the park. We swam our way to Store Command in Tomorrowland where we picked up some really neat pins!
We then grabbed a quick bite over at the TLT (Tomorrowland Terrace) and made our way over to Big Thunder via Fantasyland. I love going that way because the park is so serene by Big Thunder Ranch. There’s mostly moonlight lighting the way. It’s nice and quiet with some Big Thunder excitement coming by every now and then. I remember when I was a kid there was a quail sanctuary – I suppose you would call it – right where the smoking area is along the side of BTMRR. I wish they’d bring something like that back. As a young passholder in the 90s, my family and I would feel a sense of pride watching those little birds grow up.
As we approached the BTMRR queue, we saw that the line was too long and because Fantasmic! was just starting, knew it would be the best opportunity to jump aboard Pirates of the Caribbean and sack the Spanish main! Everything looked and sounded great. The boats were a little backed up when looking from the queue but by the time we got on, everything was flowing smoothly. The guy in the middle waiting to be dunked is still on extended vacation.
After that, we decided to socialize with some grim-grinning ghosts over at The Haunted Mansion. This ride always amazes me and this time, I really noticed how disorienting it is. I’ll have to dig up a track layout in the future and check out how it pertains to the park’s geography because, like “Pirates…”, it’s just SO MASSIVE! I noticed in the attic scene opposite the Bride (where the Hat-Box Ghost might one day stand again) the decor looked a little more disheveled than usual. I like to pretend it’s the ghost of the HBG trying to reassemble himself! Also, the last Melloman on the left was out of sync from his fellow vocalists.
The Haunted Mansion under the moonlight.
After the Mansion, it was just about time for the park to close and the Big Thunder queue only got longer than before. We got some great grub over at the Stage Door Café and then traded some great pins with a cast member on our way out. This cast member seemed to be a higher-up and had some fun with us and our pin trading etiquette. I don’t trade often so I am a timid trader but I did get an awesome Country Bear pin that I’ll post in my collection in the future. Inthia got another HM pin from the tombstone series.
Stage Door Cafe Funnel Cake!
On Sunday, Suzi and I decided late in the day to take a trip down. Again, we walked through the turnstiles around 9pm but this time at DCA. It’s turning into one of my favorite things to walk through that beautiful gate at the DLR. This was our first time really taking in all of the construction projects going on in what’s becoming Carthay Circle. Walls, walls everywhere!
We popped over to Soarin’ Over California which is always a treat. I just wish they would have built 4 theatres instead of 2 to accommodate the long lines. I never see it with less than a 30 minute wait. This trip, I really took in the beauty and detail of the queue. The banners up top correspond to the photos on the wall and the windows and skylights are a nice touch. I am such a sucker for early flight and space travel and reading those placards is just so interesting.
What detail!
I love the film they have but wish they would do an overhaul to it like they did with Star Tours. I wouldn’t want a 3D experience, however, because this attraction is so immersive already. (We rode in the first row in the center which is my favorite place to sit. No one above you and you get the most immersive feeling, in my opinion.) I just wish they would at least clean and restore the film from time to time because I see dust that appears and disappears more frequently now and Downtown LA is so outdated now that LA Live and the Nokia Center are there. And why is that section sped up? I also never understood why they shot the Disneyland footage at Christmas time? I love Christmas time at the DLR but in August, it’s a little jarring. I wonder how the first-time guests feel about this — if they even notice it? I do love finding the Hidden Mickeys in the ride. There’s even a Hidden Eisner if you look closely!
After an amazing flight, we ate over at the Taste Pilot’s Grill which is one of my favorite places. I am still on my diet so I looked for something I could have that was a little more substantial and found the ribs on the menu. WOW! These ribs are SO GOOD! I even lucked out because it was right before closing. I ordered the 3-piece ribs and got the 5-piece. I love when cast members understand how to please guests and not waste food. I highly recommend the X3 or X5 ribs!
What a treat!
On our way out of the park, we noticed that the Condor Flats sign was spinning once again! I had almost completely forgotten that it ever spun but I have noticed over the last few months that it has been facing different directions every time. I wonder if this will remain intact post-refurb of the park? Spinning this sign seems strange to me, though, as when it’s facing the Grizzly Peak, guests just see the blank back-side of a sign. Seems like a strange choice to me but it was nice to see it spinning!
We slid on over to Disneyland and went straight into The Enchanted Tiki Room and what treat did we get when we got there? Maynard! Arguably the most beloved cast member at Disneyland, I was very excited to have my first Maynard / Tiki Room experience. We showed up in time, too, for us to see all of the gods do their chants. There were some kids getting Dole whips that were at first uninterested in the Tiki Room, but once they saw that I would walk to each of the gods as they spoke, they got way into it and started guessing, along with me, which of the gods were to speak next! It’s nice to see that some kids are still interested in some of this early Disneyland magic.
I think my favorite thing in the Tiki Room.
Maynard blew us away with his Tiki Room speech. His pre-show is so well crafted and energetic it made everyone laugh out loud and get in the spirit of the show! What was disappointing, though, was the lack of crowds in the Tiki Room. There were only about 15 people in the attraction this go-around. I hope it was just because the fireworks had already ended and there was a Fantasmic! show in-progress. All-in-all, though, a great Tiki Room experience!
We then met up with a friend just outside the Tiki Room and went to look at a Vinylmation he had told us about. Now, one thing you should know about me is I do not care for vinylmation but this one was really weird. It was part of the Holiday collection and was just an eye. Like a classic Mickey Mouse eye. We couldn’t figure it out for the life of us so we called a cast member over and it was a super interesting conversation!
We asked many questions about the lack of pretzels in the park, the placements of some shops in the park, and the lack of Haunted Mansion merchandise. I’ll post some of his interesting takes on the parks but if you find yourself wanting to know some great Disney trivia, look for “Matt” in Adventureland or Frontierland. He apparently floats around and is well known by the cast members.
After blowing our minds with some interesting trivia, we headed over to TheHaunted Mansion, which once again, looked and felt perfect. I had never realized that about 90% of the photos on the wall in the hallway scene are of the HBG. Interesting stuff!
Is this haunted room *actually* stretching?!
To cap off our night, we headed to the Coca-Cola Corner to have some pretzels and drinks and talk all things Disneyland. What was most amusing while eating there, was this random guy hanging around the corn dog cart across the street that insisted on high-fiving everyone leaving the park for the night. We had run into this guy just before entering the Haunted Mansion but it was funny seeing him still at it. Hopefully he made good use of the hand sanitizer available all over the parks!
Can’t wait to go back and start to see the transformation to Halloween Time! It’ll be RSP’s first holiday season and we couldn’t be more excited!
On August 9, 1969, The Haunted Mansion opened at Disneyland. The exterior of the Mansion had been finished for many years and people had been waiting patiently for the creaking doors to open. When they finally did, no one was let down. It was and remains one of Disney’s finest attractions.
Over the years, versions of the Haunted Mansion has opened at Walt Disney World, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris (As the Phantom Manor), and soon to be Hong Kong Disneyland (As Mystic Manor).
In 2001, Tim Burton’s Nightmare Before Christmas took over the Haunted Mansion to begin a very successful annual Halloween/Christmas overlay.
The Mansion has also been turned into a not so successful movie starring Eddie Murphy and it has also been announced that a new Mansion movie will be made with Guillermo Del Toro at the helm.
Happy Birthday Haunted Mansion! Enjoy some pictures of our beloved Mansion!
Editor’s Note: An interesting fact that many people may not realize is that the Haunted Mansion opened the same day as the infamous Charles Manson Murders.
Okay everyone! We are proud to announce that we have our first contest FAST approaching! Next Friday, we will, as always, have a ‘Floor Friday’ but it will be our 10th in that series. We want to make it fun for everyone by having a contest but because there is a prize involved, it will be more difficult than the previous entries. CLICK HERE to study up on the previous entries!
How to enter? Just play the game! At midnight on Friday morning (August 12, 2011), we will post the floor for that week and you will have ONE WEEK to answer in the comment section below the post. PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS TO OUR FACEBOOK OR TWITTER PAGES. Your entry will only be valid if included in the comments of the 10th ‘Floor Fridays’ post. At midnight on the following Friday (August 19, 2011), the contest will end and we will take all of the correct answers and enter those names into a drawing. Robert and I will then conduct a drawing the following week and the winner will be announced with the 12th edition of the ‘Floor Friday’ series on August 26, 2011. We will also send the winner an email with instructions on how to claim the prize.
The prize, you might ask? I happen to be a member of the Magic Castle in Hollywood. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s like Club 33 — with magic! Super exclusive, members-only, and a strict dress code, the Magic Castle was founded in 1963 by Milt Larsen (a huge Walt Disney fan and personal friend and collaborator with the Sherman brothers) and now hosts the world’s best and brightest magicians performing for each other as well as members and their guests. The winner will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a party of 2 (him or her-self and a guest) to the castle on any evening of their choosing!
The recommendation is to go on a week night as there are less crowds, much like Disneyland, and you have a higher chance of seeing all of the performers of the night (as many as 10) in close and intimate settings. THE MAGIC CASTLE IS A 21+ CLUB SO PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN ENTERINGANDCHOOSING A GUEST.
To find out more about the Magic Castle, click here! Again, there is a strict cocktail attire dress code so only enter if you own such attire or plan on purchasing or renting said attire. Men are required to wear jackets and ties and women are required to wear evening cocktail dresses or pant suits with a matching blazer. Formal shoes, as well.
This is very exciting for us here at ‘Remain Seated, Please’ and we look forward to seeing all of the entries as they come in and meeting up with the winner and his or her guest. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below and we will read and answer any and all of your questions as best we can. Let’s make this fun and exciting for everyone!
This one comes from the alley behind my office in Sherman Oaks. I passed it while it was parking on my way to pick up lunch and snapped this on my way back.
Weird thing is: there was a man driving the car. Still awesome.
I’m not the biggest fan of Vinylmation, but I love this set that Disney has just come out with!
Most Pirate merchandise Disney puts out is based on the films these days, so it is really refreshing to see a line of figures based on Pirates from the attraction. Yes there is a Jack Sparrow, but at least he’s in a barrel to make him unique to the animatronic figure in the ride. My favorite of these Vinylmation figures has to be the Pooped Pirate. See below:
Let’s hope more Attraction based Pirates of the Caribbean collectibles come out in the future!
We made an unusual weekday trip to Disneyland on Wednesday for a special occasion. A friend of ours is moving to England and we had a going away party at Club 33! What could be a better send off?
When we got to the park, we realized we had time for one ride on this very busy day. So we waited 20 minutes for the World Famous Jungle Cruise! It was a great ride through the rivers of adventure. A while ago, I posted a video about how Disney airlifted the elephant’s mother in law out of the park. Well she is still on her extended leave unfortunately. I will have to give her a big hello when she comes home.
The Elephant
And His Missing Mother in Law!
After the Jungle Cruise, we headed to Club 33. It was incredible. I am not going to go into detail about Club 33 right now as we are still working on our original Club 33 review. This trip’s visit to the Club will be included in that post as well. Look for it soon!
Club 33!
After the Club, we went over to the Haunted Mansion. It was another amazing ride and everything looked great. Madame Leota was floating again. I’m glad she seems to be doing that more often these days. I did notice that a couple of the singing busts in the graveyard scene were out of sync. I hope Disney realizes this soon and fixes it. It’s really upsetting when that happens. But even with the out of sync Mellowmen, the Haunted Mansion is still the best.
The Haunted Mansion
We then headed over to DCA and the first thing I noticed is that the Golden Gate Bridge is gone! Take a look below:
Gone and soon to be rethemed!
Then we got in line for Soarin’ Over California. It has been a couple of years since I have been on Soarin’. Now don’t get me wrong. I love the ride. I just can’t stand the Soarin’ queue. There is not much to it and it lasts forever. This time I had to do it though since we were with people that don’t go very often. So I waited 60 minutes to get in my hang glider. It was a great ride that is very magical. I love so many things about it from the corny preshow video with our chief flight attendant, Patrick Warburton to the smell of orange groves in the California country side. The only problem I have with the ride is a personal issue where I get a bit dizzy in the Downtown Los Angeles section. Other than that, it is one of Disney’s best!
Soarin' Over California!
Nice Work, Pal!
Then we went over to the Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure. It was a great ride once again. It did stop a few times on this particular trip, most likely to accomidate handicapped people. Other than that, everything seemed the same and I loved it.
Under the Sea
We then walked through A Bug’s Land to make our way to the Hollywood Tower Hotel or as it’s more commonly known: The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. We went with a couple of people who had never experienced the ride before and they ended up loving it. I love seeing my favorite attractions through new eyeballs. The mirror ghost effect wasn’t working this time. Instead of our reflected bodies turning into ghosts, a blue blob just appeared. Even when that effect isn’t working, it still is an amazing attraction.
A Beacon for the Show Business Elite.
We then headed over to Disneyland and while walking on Main Street, I saw Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. It was great seeing them as it’s rare when I do. I love seeing minor characters from Disney animated features. There is something really special about it.
Dee Dum
We then rode one final attraction, which also happens to be my favorite. If you have been reading our trip reports, then you won’t be surprised to hear that the attraction I am talking about is Pirates of the Caribbean. When we arrived to New Orleans Square, the ride had just closed. We saw security escorting someone out of the attraction in a wheel chair, so I assume someone fell. We waited for about a half hour for Pirates to reopen and when it finally did, I was ecstatic! I ran to the entrance like a little boy running down the stairs on Christmas morning. We ended up getting the first row, which I always love. The guy waiting to be dunked is still missing and I also noticed something else on this trip. In the burning city scene, there is a singing trio with a dog. Well the guy all the way to the right usually has a bushy goatee, but it looks like he had a shave. He only had a little patch of beard under his chin. No mustache at all! I know I’m crazy writing about animatronic facial hair, but that is why I love Pirates and Disneyland. It’s all about the details!
Yo Ho
This is the fella before his shave.
After Pirates, we caught the climax of Fantasmic! and saw the amazing Dragon scene. That is really one of the best things Disney has ever done. I get chills when that Dragon comes out!
It's Fire Breathing!
Then we made our way to the Mickey & Friends Tram and Disneyland was soon behind us. We will be back soon!