Here we see the nightly lighting ceremony at Cars Land inside Disney California Adventure Park. True to the movie, even down to the 3rd light flashing slower than the others!
This is a full ride-thru on the Red Car Trolley from the Tower station to the Buena Vista Street station by way for Carthay Circle. This park looks truly amazing lit up at night!
A few weeks ago, we went down to the parks and the first thing we did was ride the Disneyland Railroad. Our plan was to do a grand circle tour plus one stop to NOS. On the ride, I decided to see how well we could capture the Grand Canyon Diorama and Primeval World and what came out looked really great!
Let us know what other video content you would like to see on the site! We hope to have some great interviews coming in the next few months.
This was one of the coolest things I have seen at the park. A quick google search will show that the custodial team at TDA has been at this for a while, but with as much time as I have spent at the parks I have never seen this!
We had just finished out Fantasmic! 20th anniversary showing, had already ridden on Big Thunder Mountain and were headed to Pirates… when we saw a few people admiring something on the ground. We saw some water on the ground and as our eyes adjusted to the ground in front of Riverbell Terrace, we realized that it was artwork!
Here are some pictures we snapped of a few of the characters drawn on the ground and to boot, I caught some video of the cast member drawing a huge Mickey Mouse in front of Pirates! Enjoy!
Here comes the beginning for a series of great videos I came across while researching stock footage at work. I will post some of the best video footage of these pre-Disneyland theme parks here for your enjoyment. See what inspired some of our favorite Disney attractions!
First up: Coney Island
Coney Island was probably the most well-known amusement park in the world in the first half of the 20th century. Here’s a look at what came before the magic kingdom:
Somehow, I stumbled upon these frighteningly real-looking videos from the security cameras at our favorite park on the planet, Disneyland. Now, I have heard of people seeing ghosts at the parks and seen really bad photos of ghosts at the park, but nothing quite like these.
I work in “the industry” and know a visual effect when I see it. This is either a very well executed visual effect by an avid Disneyland fanatic with a lot of time and resources on his hands, or a very bored security officer.
The problems I have with these videos is that there are either so many ghosts at the park that shooting any security camera at any time provides one with these results, or they’re a hoax — but how?! These are so incredibly haunting, I got goosebumps while watching them at work and continued to rewind them back and play them over and over again with a very genuine “how did they do that?!” look on my face.
That last one is my absolute favorite. Not just anyone has access to these apparent security cameras. How incredible is it that the possibility of these being real evokes these emotions out of me? I am a huge skeptic but I have an open mind. I just don’t have any grounds to disprove any of this.
I found another YouTube channel debunking these videos but I just don’t find their arguments to hold water. I, too, thought that it was a reflection at first on the lens but man, that last HM video is just INCREDIBLE! I don’t know much about security monitors but I have never seen a monitor “ghost” in that way. I liked watching his one video, though, because it has some other great videos.
The “ghost” videos that prompted this post were found at this YouTube page. They, unfortunately, are the only ones this user ever uploaded and the page has laid dormant for over 2 years — but not without gaining a substantial amount of hits! What do you think is going on in these videos? Is our magical park a haven for the disembodied?
A co-worker of mine showed me these videos and they were too awesome not to share with you all! Walt Disney is known as being the innovative force behind modern animation and porting that medium to feature films, but he was also a business man who knew how to tell a story.
With the help of corporate sponsors and his crack creative and animation departments, these little gems were produced by the Mouse and Co. to help prevent malaria, ease little girls’ fears about menstruation, and warn about the dangers of smoking. Pretty entertaining stuff — and ahead of its time, in some ways!
What are your favorite Disney educational videos? My favorite are the Goofy “How to…” series — even though they don’t really count as educational, per-se, I feel like I learned a lot about what not to do!
When an attraction breaks down it can be a total bummer, especially if you’ve been waiting in line for a ride like Peter Pan or Roger Rabbit, but sometimes it can be the coolest thing ever, like when you find cash in your jeans after doing laundry. I have always dreamed of being on a ride like Splash Mountain when it breaks down, where the lights would magically turn on revealing the dusty miniature details of imagineering genius, and I would be escorted through Disney’s painted visualization of Joel Chandler Harris’s impossible read. A nerd can dream can’t he?
If anyone goes to the Magic Kingdom enough a ride breakdown is inevitable, so it is with great pleasure that I present to you a walk through of Snow White’s Scary Adventures. The best part about the ride breakdown experience was that one of the carts was blocking the exit. I welcomed this unwanted obstacle and while people climbed and squeeze through, I relished the opportunity to be an honorary dwarf for a day. It’s no Splash Mountain, but then again there’s always next time.
Hey everyone! We hope you’re all having an amazing Memorial Day this year. Maybe you’re out barbecuing or at the Disneyland Resort for the long weekend, but whatever it is, I highly recommend witnessing this event in person at the DLR or watching this video.
I had just gotten engaged in July of 2010 and my financé and I took a lovebird trip to Disneyland to celebrate. We watched this ceremony at sunset and took it it’s beauty and emotional grandeur. It certainly touches you no matter what your age! This is also my favorite security guard at the resort taking down the flag!
I created this little video just before Star Tours closed up for the reimagining. I used to have a toy as a kid that looked like the StarSpeeder 3000 and would basically do this around the playground. When StarTrader was selling these little replicas, I had to have one.