Hey all!
Here’s another in our ongoing series, but first, where was last week’s photo taken?

And now for this week’s floor:

Sunday afternoon we arrived to the Disneyland Resort and made our way to Disney California Adventure.
The entrance to DCA is really coming along and it should be ready within a week. I must say it really looks great. It makes me very excited for all of the changes coming to the main entrance of the park. I can’t wait to see Buena Vista Street completed with Carthay Circle Theatre looming in the distance.
The first ride we went to was The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure. The line was posted at 20 minutes, but it only took about 10. I love how many people can get through the ride. It really is one of the best loading situations Disney has ever produced. The ride was great as always. I can look at those animatronics all day!
We then went over the the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, but the wait was 50 minutes. So instead of riding, we just went inside the gift shop to look around. Then something strange happened. As I was walking through the shop, all of the sudden all of the lights turned off and the music stopped. It was pitch black inside. After a few seconds, the lights flickered back on and the music followed soon after. It was so eerie. It really felt like the Tower was losing power (which it was). It really was a great unintended effect. Unfortunately, all of DCA lost power at that point. Everyone was evacuated from the Tower and it remained closed for at least an hour.
So we walked over to Goofy’s Sky School, but that was closed too due to the power outage. The Little Mermaid ride was closed as well. So we went to the new Paradise Garden section of Paradise Pier. It really looks great. The amount of detail is terrific and there are many plants and trees, which DCA badly needed. It felt like Main Street at Disneyland. The menus look good at the new restaurants too, but we did not try any of the food. That will have to wait till next time!
Then we walked over to the newly themed Redwood Creek Wilderness Explorer Camp. The camp is themed after Pixar’s Up. It is pretty much exactly the same, except you now do these activities to earn merit badges. When entering, you are given a map of the area and after you complete the activity listed, you scratch off the badge. It was a fun time and kids really seem to enjoy it.
We then went back over to Goofy’s Sky School to see if it was open and it was! This would be my first trip on the newly themed attraction. While it is a fun ride, it is pretty much exactly the same as Mulholland Madness. They just added new billboards featuring Goofy. The only thing I wish they did was put speakers in the cars and have the classic Goofy “How to” narrator speak as you “fly” around. Oh well… It is still a very thrilling little ride, however.
After our flight with Goofy, we walked over to Disneyland and headed for Pirates of the Caribbean. The middle guy waiting to be dunked in the well is still missing, but the ride was excellent. The lighting really seemed to be perfect on this particular trip through the Caribbean.
It was now dinner time and we went to the French Market for some roast beef. It was near the end of the night, so I didn’t get the best roast beef. It was a little tough, but still good. And those mashed potatoes are a masterpiece!
After dinner, we went to the Haunted Mansion to visit some spooks. I didn’t notice anything different about the ride during this visit. Everything seemed to be working great. The ghost we got in our doombuggy was Gus (The little guy with the beard). And yes, Madame Leota was floating!
We then took a walk around the park going through Tomorrowland and ending up at Casey Jr.’s Circus Train in Fantasyland. We rode the caboose of Casey Jr., as that’s the best seat in the house! I can’t say enough about how much I enjoy this ride. I really love it. I love how close you get to the little mountains above Pinocchio’s village. That might be my favorite part of the ride.
It was near closing by this time so we just took one last look around Fantasyland and headed home having spent a wonderful night at the Magic Kingdom.
Here are some extra photos from the trip:
Dusk was upon us on a Sunday in June. Disneyland of course was in store!
When we got to the park, we decided to enter in a unique way. We took the Monorail at the end of Downtown Disney! I love taking the Monorail into the park. It’s a nice way to avoid lines of people, plus you get a great trip out of it! I love gliding above Tomorrowland and looking at the abandoned tracks of where the People Mover once traveled.
Taking the Monorail was really just for fun since we decided to go to DCA after arriving to Disneyland. We went to the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and boy was it a great ride. The first scene, when your elevator is backing up, seemed to be freshly painted. The door looked great with its drybrush technique of Black Light paint. Also there seemed to be a lot more Black Light paint for the starfield effect on the doors. Of course the little LED lights were still there as well. The rest of the ride was just as great as it always is.
After the Tower, we made our way to Heimlich’s Chew Chew Train. It’s the funniest Disney ride I have ever been on. It is so short and simple that it makes it hilarious! For some reason, I really love it though. From the dripping watermelon to the smell of animal crackers, the Chew Chew Train is very memorable.
We then went to see if Goofy’s Sky School was doing a soft opening, but it wasn’t unfortunately. It looked like there was a vehicle on the tracks that was stuck and a family was being evacuated. That’s too bad. I haven’t been on Goofy’s Sky School yet, but I have been reading negative reviews of the ride. I don’t really understand why though. What do people expect? It’s the same exact ride as Mullhullond Madness except they put Goofy billboards up instead. I’m sure it’s a fun little ride and I don’t think it hurts the atmosphere for Paradise Pier at all. I think it looks nice.
It was now time for Disneyland and our first stop was the Disney Gallery. We noticed that they changed the little room that was filled with Pirates and Haunted Mansion artwork. It now has drawings of different Disney characters which are for sale. I was a little upset with that as I loved the artwork that was in there previously. They also put a sign in the Mary Blair exhibit explaining what it was all about. Unfortunately, the put the sign where all those pictures of Walt and Mary were.
After the Gallery, we were hungry so we made a stop at the Bengal Barbeque. It was delicious. I love the chicken skewers with the green onion!
Then came a ride on Pirates of the Caribbean. It was pretty much the same as the last visit. The middle guy waiting to be dunked in the well is still missing. One odd thing that happened on this trip was that the boats were all the way backed up to the “Pooped Pirate” scene. I had never seen it backed up that far. I thought that the ride was going to break down and we would be evacuated. But our boats slowly moved along through the burning city and me made our way up the waterfall.
We went on The Haunted Mansion after that and as we were walking up, I could already hear the Ghost Host’s narration from outside. I hate going in once the Ghost Host has started his dialogue, so we stayed behind and waited for the next show. I don’t like it when the Cast Members force you inside when the narration has already started. That’s like missing a good portion of the ride. People don’t understand that, but if you’re a Disney nerd like me, you will get it. The ride ended up being great. Everything looked good and we got the tall skinny guy (Ezra) as our ghost to take home. Also I had noticed in the last few visits that an owl had been missing on a branch in the graveyard. For the longest time, only one owl was on the branch and I had sworn that there were supposed to be two. Well, the second bird is back and guess what? He has real feathers on him! It looked kind of funny like he was molting though, especially because the other owl doesn’t have authentic looking feathers. It’s still good to see those “love birds” are back and hooting away though.
We ended the night with a trip on The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. It is such a fun and enjoyable ride. Of course, I always have to give a nice wink to the Buffalo and Moose from the Country Bears.
Here are a few pictures we took while walking around the parks:
The Disney Parks Blog just posted a neat video of what it’s like to maintain the greatest ride ever created: Pirates of the Caribbean!
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is one of the premiere rides at Disneyland and Walt Disney World. It is a marvel in engineering, detail, and overall imagineering. But which Tower is better? Let’s take a look…
The Tower in Florida is more ominous and full of detail. It is 199 feet compared to DCA’s 183. But what adds to the overwhelming structure is that it is built on a hill as well.
The queue in Florida is perhaps the best I have ever experienced. You enter an overgrown garden that winds its way to the Hotel lobby. In DCA, we do not get this. Most of the outer queue in DCA is in a little section on the side of the Tower where you go back and forth.
The lobby is better in Florida as well. The spider webs look more authentic and there are a few more things to see like a concierge desk. The detail that I love in DCA’s lobby is the little doll on the couch. It is very creepy and a great addition.
Then comes the library. I think DCA has the better library. Visually, they look nearly identical, but DCA has the better audio quality.
The Boiler Room is up next. Walt Disney World’s boiler room is amazing. It is very dark, eerie, and realistic. The noises coming from the generators also add to the authenticity. The DCA boiler room is unique as it has two levels, running water dripping from the pipes, and the chalk door outline leading into another dimension! But I gotta go with Florida’s boiler room.
Then comes the ride itself and without a doubt, Walt Disney World has the better ride. I’m not going to explain in detail what is on the ride as I don’t want to spoil it for the people that have never been, but it is perfect. Not only does it thrill and scare you with its faster than gravity drops, but the overall feeling is that you really are entering the Twilight Zone and being haunted by these ghostly inhabitants of the hotel. Again, what DCA has over Florida’s is the better audio quality.
So while DCA’s Tower is great and one of my favorite rides at the Disneyland Resort, it just doesn’t compare to the original. Walt Disney World’s Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is perhaps the greatest single ride ever created.
Which one do you prefer?
Editor’s Note:
And once again, a big thank you to Daveland for use of their pictures!
A late afternoon trip to Disneyland was in order on June 12th. We arrived to the Disneyland Resort around 4pm.
Our first stop was the Disney Gallery to take another look at the Mary Blair exhibit. I really took the artwork in this time and it’s wonderful. Blair has such a unique style. Any animator could make drawings and storyboards, but Blair did it with her own personal touch. She was remarkable.
Then we looked at the little museum they have set up in the lobby of Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln. I really love the things they have set up in there including vintage park tickets and models of Splash Mountain and Sleeping Beauty’s Castle.
Walking through Adventureland really let us know how crowded the park was that day. An unbelievable amount of strollers were parked right in the middle of Adventureland which is already on the small side. Fortunately, the lines weren’t too bad at the parks. It was just a lot of traffic to get to your favorite attraction.
And with that, our first attraction was Pirates of the Caribbean. In the scene where the Mayor is being dunked in the well, there are usually three other people tied up waiting for their turn to be dunked. This time, the man in the middle was missing and some crates were put in his place. He must have escaped the ropes! You know, this is another reason of why I love Pirates. Even when pirates are missing, you can make a story up in your mind on what happened to them. The amount of detail put into Pirates lets your mind run.
Then came the Haunted Mansion and guess what! Madame Leota was floating! It is always very exciting when she floats as more often than not, she is stationary. During the ride, our doombuggy was stopped right in front of the hitchhiking ghosts. It was great to get a good long look at them. I love those guys!
Evening was now upon us and we were hungry. We all decided we would head over to DCA and enjoy Broccoli and Cheese Soup in a Bread Bowl. The line at the Pacific Warf Cafe was huge! Fortunately, it moved fast and it ended up being only 20 minutes. The bread bowl was delicious. I love the sourdough bread at the Disneyland Resort. One day, I would like to buy a huge sack of bread bowsl and eat away!
It was now 9:00pm and World of Color was just starting. We thought this would be an excellent time to get in line for The Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure. It was great being able to watch World of Color while in line. The queue didn’t last too long as it was late. It was maybe a half hour long, which was perfect as we got to see most of World of Color. The ride was once again great and this time we spotted Mr. Limpet. I wonder why Mr. Limpet is in the attraction. It’s not a Disney movie… Maybe the imagineers are just big Don Knotts fans.
Then we headed over to the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. It was a fun ride. I noticed that the spiral effect on the elevator doors as the ride begins and ends was not working. I could see the outline of the spiral, but it was not spinning. Other than that, everything else looked and sounded perfect. We had a very good Bellhop load us in our elevator. He was very effective with keeping to the 1939 Haunted Hollywood Tower Hotel theme.
We then headed back to Disneyland to see how long the line was for Star Tours. At 10:00pm, it was still 100 minutes. So we decided to pass on that galactic adventure.
Instead, we went to Storybook Land Canal Boats. I can’t say enough about how much I love this ride. It is so nice, relaxing, and quiet. The detail of the miniatures is amazing. It is even better at night as each scene is lit perfectly. I especially love Pinocchio’s village and how the mini mountains in the background blend perfectly with the Matterhorn.
After our boat ride through Monstro the Whale, we went over to Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. I was surprised to see that the fireplace scene had been updated. The fire seemed to be projected much more clearly now and the floor is now painted to look like a brick fireplace. The fiber optic burning embers never looked better. That was always my favorite effect in the ride. The rest of the ride was amazing as always. Going to Hell is one of my favorite things to do at the Disneyland Resort!
We ended our night with a ride on King Arthur’s Carousel. It was a perfect way to close out a wonderful trip to the Happiest Place on Earth: Disneyland.